
Is Sweet Marjoram Or Thyme Better For Nerve Repair

  • Journal List
  • J Evid Based Complementary Altern Med
  • v.22(1); 2022 January
  • PMC5871212

J Evid Based Complementary Altern Med. 2022 Jan; 22(one): 175–185.

Sweet Marjoram

A Review of Ethnopharmacology, Phytochemistry, and Biological Activities

Fatemeh Bina

iDepartment of Traditional Pharmacy, Schoolhouse of Traditional Medicine, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran

Roja Rahimi

1Department of Traditional Pharmacy, School of Traditional Medicine, Tehran Academy of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran

Received 2022 Jan 8; Revised 2022 Mar nineteen; Accepted 2022 Apr 24.


Origanum majorana L. commonly known as sugariness marjoram has been used for diversity of diseases in traditional and folklore medicines, including gastrointestinal, ocular, nasopharyngeal, respiratory, cardiac, rheumatologic, and neurological disorders. Essential oil containing monoterpene hydrocarbons and oxygenated monoterpenes every bit well equally phenolic compounds are chemical constituents isolated and detected in O majorana. Broad range of pharmacological activities including antioxidant, hepatoprotective, cardioprotective, anti-platelet, gastroprotective, antibacterial and antifungal, antiprotozoal, antiatherosclerosis, anti-inflammatory, antimetastatic, antitumor, antiulcer, and anticholinesterase inhibitory activities have been reported from this plant in modernistic medicine. This article summarizes comprehensive information concerning traditional uses, phytochemistry, and pharmacological activities of sweet marjoram.

Keywords: Origanum majorana, traditional medicine, pharmacology, phytochemical constituent, Majorana hortensis

Origanum majorana 50. from the family Lamiaceae (syn. Majorana hortensis Moench) is commonly known every bit sweet marjoram. This herb is native to Mediterranean region and cultivated in many countries of Asia, N Africa, and Europe, for example, Kingdom of spain, Hungary, Portugal, Germany, Egypt, Poland, and France. Origanum majorana grows upwardly to 30 to 60 cm. It is a perennial bushy institute. Information technology has oblique rhizome, hairy shrub like stalks, contrary dark green oval leaves and white or blood-red flowers in clustered bracts. The leaves are whole, larger ones beingness fragmented, oblate to broadly–3 This plant is widely used equally a garnish and is used for different medicinal purposes in traditional and folklore medicine of different countries. Various compounds have been identified in sweet marjoram. Likewise, different pharmacological activities have been attributed to this found. The nowadays review summarizes comprehensive information apropos traditional uses, phytochemistry, and pharmacological activities of sweet marjoram. For this purpose, databases, including PubMed, Google Scholar, and Scopus were searched for studies focusing on the ethnomedicinal utilise, phytochemical compounds and pharmacological activities of sweet marjoram. Information were collected from 1980 to 2022 (up to July). The search terms were "sweet marjoram" or "Origanum majorana."

Ethnomedicinal Uses

Ethnomedicinal uses of sweet marjoram in unlike countries are shown in Table 1. The parts of sweet marjoram that are used in folklore medicine are stale leaves, leaves extract, and essential oil. Origanum majorana leaves have been claimed to have antimicrobial and emmenagogue properties and be useful for treatment of respiratory and gastrointestinal issues.1, 4,v It has been used in Morocco every bit an antihypertensive plant.8 The essential oil of the plant has been used for pains, gastrointestinal problems, and respiratory tract disorders.6,eight–11

Tabular array 1.

Ethnomedicinal Uses of Origanum Majorana.

Region Found Office Used Traditional Uses
Iran4,5 Leaves Antimicrobial, antiseptic, antidote, carminative, antitussive and used for gastrointestinal disorder, caput cool, sniffle, vision performance, otitis, melancholia accompanied past flatulence, unilateral facial paralysis, headache, epilepsy, cataract, weakness of sight, ear pain, dyspnea, cardiac pain, dysrhythmia, balk, obstacle of large intestine, emmenagogue, strangury, dropsy, spondilolysthesis, groin hurting, dorsum hurting, fatigue, freckle, migraine
Azerbaijan6 Essential oil Flatulence, nervousness, diuretic, sedative
Englandi Leaves Cold, bronchial coughs, asthmatic whooping
Egypti Leaves Cold, chill
India11 Essential oil Toothache, soothe joints, muscular pain
Austriaseven Leaves Gastrointestinal tract diseases, infections
Turkey8 Essential oil Asthma, indigestion, headache, rheumatism
Morocco9 Leaves Hypertension

Phytochemical Constituents

Table 2 shows the structure and phytochemical category of compounds isolated from different parts of sweet marjoram.

Tabular array 2.

Phytochemical Constituents of Origanum majorana.

Compound Chemical Category Part/Extract
α-Pinene Monoterpene hydrocarbon Essential oiltwo,13
β-Pinene Monoterpene hydrocarbon Essential oil2,13
ρ-Cymene Monoterpene hydrocarbon Essential oil2,xiv
Camphene Monoterpene hydrocarbon Essential oil13
α-Phellandrene Monoterpene hydrocarbon Essential oil2
β-Phellandrene Monoterpene hydrocarbon Essential oil2
γ-Terpinene Monoterpene hydrocarbon Essential oilxiv–16
d-Limonene Monoterpene hydrocarbon Essential oil13
α-Terpinene Monoterpene hydrocarbon Essential oil2,3,15,16
Terpinolene Monoterpene hydrocarbon Essential oilii
β-Myrcene Monoterpene hydrocarbon Essential oil2
2-Carene Monoterpene hydrocarbon Essential oil17
β-Ocimene Monoterpene hydrocarbon Essential oil17
Sabinene Monoterpene hydrocarbon Essential oil1,16,17
α-Thujene Monoterpene hydrocarbon Essential oil2
Carvone Monoterpene hydrocarbon Essential oiltwo,13
Citronellol Monoterpene hydrocarbon Essential oil13
Terpinen-four-ol Oxygenated monoterpene Essential oil14–16,19 / Leafxviii
cis-Sabinene hydrate Oxygenated monoterpene Essential oil10,14,15
trans-Sabinene hydrate Oxygenated monoterpene Essential oil15,16
Linalool Oxygenated monoterpene Leafage18 / Essential oil1,xiii
Thymol Oxygenated monoterpene Essential oilx,13,19
α-Terpineol Oxygenated monoterpene Essential oilone–3,thirteen,15
Linalyl acetate Oxygenated monoterpene Essential oil2,15
Carvacrol Oxygenated monoterpene Essential oil10,13
ane,8-Cineol Oxygenated monoterpene Essential oil17
Fenchyl alcohol Oxygenated monoterpene Essential oil17
Piperitol Oxygenated monoterpene Essential oil17
trans-Carveol Oxygenated monoterpene Essential oil17
cis-Carveol Oxygenated monoterpene Essential oil17
Anethole Oxygenated monoterpene Essential oil17
Geraniol Oxygenated monoterpene Essential oil13
α-Terpinyl acetate Oxygenated monoterpene Essential oil2
Geranyl acetate Oxygenated monoterpene Essential oil17
α-Cubebene Sesquiterpene hydrocarbon Essential oil17
Longicyclene Sesquiterpene hydrocarbon Essential oil17
Copaene Sesquiterpene hydrocarbon Essential oil17
β-Longipinene Sesquiterpene hydrocarbon Essential oil17
β-Caryophyllene Sesquiterpene hydrocarbon Essential oil17
Aromadendrene Sesquiterpene hydrocarbon Essential oil17
α-Humulene Sesquiterpene hydrocarbon Essential oil17
β-Farnesene Sesquiterpene hydrocarbon Essential oil17
Alloaromadendrene Sesquiterpene hydrocarbon Essential oil17
α-Selinene Sesquiterpene hydrocarbon Essential oil17
ar-Curcumene Sesquiterpene hydrocarbon Essential oil17
Germacrene D Sesquiterpene hydrocarbon Essential oil17
Valencene Sesquiterpene hydrocarbon Essential oil17
α-Muurolene Sesquiterpene hydrocarbon Essential oil17
α-Farnesene Sesquiterpene hydrocarbon Essential oil17
Spathulenol Sesquiterpene alcohol Essential oilii
Caryophyllene oxide Oxygenated sesquiterpene Essential oilii,17
Carnosic acrid Diterpenoid Water extract20
Carnosol Diterpenoid Water extract20
Ursolic acid Triterpenoid Water extractxx
Sinapic acid Phenolic acrid Essential oil1
Vanillic acid Phenolic acrid Hydroalcoholic extract21 / Essential oil1
Ferulic acid Phenolic acid Hydroalcoholic extract21 / Essential oil1
Caffeic acid Phenolic acid Hydroalcoholic excerpt21 / Essential oili,22
Syringic acid Phenolic acrid Hydroalcoholic excerpt21 / Essential oili
ρ-Hydroxybenzoic acid Phenolic acid Hydroalcoholic extract21 / Essential oil1
m-Hydroxybenzoic acrid Phenolic acid Hydroalcoholic extract21
Coumarinic acrid Phenolic acrid Essential oilone
Gallic acid Phenolic acid Hydroalcoholic excerpt21
Neochlorogenic acid Phenolic acrid Hydroalcoholic extract21
Protocatechuic acid Phenolic acid Hydroalcoholic extract21
Caftaric acrid Phenolic acid Hydroalcoholic excerpt21
Rosmarinic acrid Phenolic acrid Ethyl acetate extract8 / Essential oil22
Chlorogenic acid Phenolic acid Hydroalcoholic extract21
Cryptochlorogenic acrid Phenolic acid Hydroalcoholic excerpt21
Coumaric acid Phenolic acrid Hydroalcoholic extract21
Lithospermic acid Phenolic acrid Water excerpt23
Methyl rosmarinate Phenolic compound Hydrophilic extract24
Hydroquinone Phenolic compound Ethyl acetate extract8 / Essential oilten
Arbutin Phenolic glycosides Ethyl acetate extract8 / Essential oilx,25
Methyl arbutin Phenolic glycoside Essential oilten
Vitexin Phenolic glycoside Essential oil10
Orientinthymonin Phenolic glycoside Essential oil10
Hesperetin Flavonoid Ethyl acetate extract8
Catechin Flavonoid Hydroalcoholic extract21
Quercetin Flavonoid Hydroalcoholic extract21
Kaempferol Flavonoid Hydroalcoholic extract21
Naringenine Flavonoid Hydroalcoholic extract21
Eriodictyol Flavonoid Hydroalcoholic extract21
Diosmetin Flavonoid Essential oil10
Luteolin Flavonoid Essential oil10
Apigenin Flavonoid Essential oilx
5,six,three′-Trihydroxy-vii,8,4′-trimethoxyflavone Flavonoid Ethyl acetate extract8
Kaempferol-3-O-glucoside Flavonoid glycoside Hydroalcoholic extract21
Quercetin-iii-O-glucoside Flavonoid glycoside Hydroalcoholic extract21
Narigenin-O-hexoside Flavonoid glycoside Hydroalcoholic excerpt21
Apigenin-glucuronide Flavonoid glycoside Water extract23
Rutin Flavonoid glycoside Hydroalcoholic extract26
Luteolin-7-O-β-glucuronide Flavonoid glycoside Hydrophilic excerpt24
Eugenol Phenyl propene Essential oil13
Ethyl cinnamate Ester Essential oil13
Sitosterol Phytosterol Essential oilten
Oleanolic acrid Fatty acid Essential oilx
Vitamin A Vitamin Essential oil1
Vitamin C Vitamin Essential oil1

Essential Oil

Monoterpene hydrocarbons, including α and β-pinene, camphene, sabinene, α- and β- phellandrene, ρ-cymene, limonene, β-ocimene, γ-terpinene, terpinolene, α-terpinene, carvone, and citronellol accept been detected in essential oil of O majorana.2,13,xiv Terpinene 4-ol and cis-sabinene hydrate are two main oxygenated monoterpenes isolated from O majorana.14,15 Linalool, linalyl acetate, α-terpineol, trans- and cis-carveol, thymol, anethole, geraniol, and carvacrol are other oxygenated compounds identified in essential oil and leaves18 of O majorana.13,15,17

Phenolic Compounds

Vanillic acrid, gallic acrid, ferulic acrid, caffeic acid, syringic acrid, p- and k-Hydroxybenzoic acrid, coumaric acid, neochlorogenic acid, protocatechuic acid, chlorogenic acid, cryptochlorogenic acrid, caftaric acrid are phenolic acids that accept been detected in hydroalcoholic extract of leaves of sweetness marjoram.21 Rosmarinic acid, sinapic acid, vanillic acid, ferulic acrid, caffeic acrid, syringic acrid, p- and chiliad-hydroxybenzoic acid, and coumarinic acid have been identified in essential oil of sugariness marjoram.i,22 Arbutin, methyl arbutin, vitexin, and orientinthymonin take been reported to be the most predominant phenolic glycosides in essential oil of sugariness marjoram.10 Hesperetin, catechin, quercetin, kaempferol, naringenine, eriodictyol, diosmetin, luteolin, and apigenin are the about abundant flavonoids detected in sweet marjoram10,21 and kaempferol-iii-O-glucoside, quercetin-iii-O-glucoside, narigenin-O-hexoside, and rutin are flavonoid glycosides identified in sweet marjoram.21,26,27

Pharmacological Activities

Tabular array 3 shows pharmacological properties of O majorana in detail.

Table 3.

Pharmacological Backdrop of Origanum majorana in Detail.

Pharmacological Activity Plant part / Excerpt Method Result Active Constituent
Antioxidanttwenty Ethanol, n-hexane, supercritical CO2 and water excerpt of herb DPPH method and chemiluminometric method Antioxidant activities of all extracts Ursolic acid, carnosic acid, carnosol
Antioxidant19 Essential oil DPPH reduction exam Low antioxidant activity with EC50 values >250μg/mL
Antioxidant17 Essential oil (1) DPPH assay (2) Percent inhibition in linoleic acid organisation (3) Bleaching of β-carotene one)IC50 of 89.2 µg/ml 2) 72.viii% inhibition of linoleic acid oxidation 3)showed slow rate of color depletion
Antioxidant8 Ethyl acetate extract and isolated compounds DPPH Pregnant antioxidant activities from extract and isolated compounds with IC50 of 2.77 and one.92 µg/mL, respectively Hydroquinone
Antioxidant22 Essential oil / Water excerpt ABTS + reducing power were examined for their effect against lipid oxidation in comparing to a tea water extract by measurement of the oil stability index Remarkable capacity in retarding lipid oxidation with oil stability alphabetize 13.nine hours Bound forms of phenolic compounds such every bit hydroxycinnamic acid and flavonoids
Antioxidant21 Hydroalcoholic excerpt ABTS + radical decolorization and DPPH assay Significant antioxidant capacity with 0.84 and 0.33 mmol TE/chiliad DW, respectively Polyphenolic compounds
Antioxidant28 Essential oil Glutathione level and lipid peroxidation content as malondialdehyde in the testis, liver and brain in ethanol treatment male person albino rat (ethanol induced reproductive disturbances and oxidative damage in unlike organs and lipid peroxidation due to the formation of free radicals) Co-administration of the extract resulted in minimizing the hazard effects of ethanol toxicity on male fertility, liver and brain tissues
Antioxidant16 Essential oil DPPH, .OH, HiiOii, reducing power and lipid peroxidation IC50 values of 58.67, 67.xi, 91.25, 78.67, and 68.75 µg/mL, respectively
Antioxidant29 Water excerpt DPPH High antioxidant chapters Phenolic compounds
Antioxidant30 Isolated metabolite Amyloid β–induced oxidative injury in PC12 nerve cells by MTT, LDH, and trypan blue assays ↓ Amyloid β–induced neurotoxic upshot Ursolic acid
Antioxidant31 Found extract DPPH and ferric ion reducing antioxidant ability assays A directly, positive, and linear relationship between antioxidant activity and total phenolic content of extract Rosmarinic acid
Antimicrobial18 Dried whole constitute/oil/leaves aqueous extract MIC Amend antimicrobial activity of essential oil rather than water extract; inhibition of yeast and lactic acrid bacteria by essential oil at a concentration of 5 ppm
Antimicrobial32 Essential oil ND The most susceptible organisms were Beneckea natriegens, Erwinia carotovora, and Moraxella sp. and Aspergillus niger
Antimicrobial26 northward-Hexane excerpt, aqueous ethanol, ethanolic ammonia extract Deejay-diffusion method for bacteria and serial dilution method for protozoa due north-Hexane extract showed the highest antibacterial activity and the ethanolic ammonia extract reduced the number of viable Pentatrichomonas hominis trophozoites by 50% at 160 µg/ml
Antimicrobial33 Methanol extract Filter paper deejay improvidence method Considerable activity against Aspergillus niger, Fusarium solani, and Bacillus subtilis with zone of inhibition 40, 28 and 42 mm, respectively
Antimicrobial17 Essential oil (one) Disk diffusion (2) Resazurin microtitre-plate (1) Big zone of inhibition (16.5-27.0 mm) (2) Pocket-size MIC against Staphylococcus aureus, Bacillus cereus, B subtilis, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Salmonella poona, Escherichia coli (40.9-1250.3 μg/mL)
Antimicrobial15 Essential oil Agar diffusion method Active against Staphylococcus aureus, Enterococcus faecalis, Escherichia coli, and Klebsiella pneumoniae with inhibition zone of 16, 12, 15, and 13 mm, respectively cis-Sabinene hydrate
Antimicrobial19 Essential oil Microdilution Inhibitory activity against Staphylococcus aureus and Streptococcus pyogenes with MICs of 125 and 250 μg/mL, respectively
Antimicrobial19 Essential oil Diffusion analysis Growth inhibitory activity confronting dermatophytes
Antimicrobial34 Methanol excerpt of leaves Zone of inhibition Inhibitory activity confronting Escherichia coli with 16 mm diameter zone of inhibition
Anti-inflammatory35 Essential oil THP-1 human macrophage cells activated by LPS or human ox-LDL, and the cytokine secretion and gene expression, in vitro Suppression of production of pro-inflammatory cytokines (TNF-α, IL-1β, IL-6 and IL-10) and COX-ii and NFκB gene expression Sabinene hydrate, terpineol
Anticancer17 Essential oil MTT assay Cytotoxic effect against different cancer prison cell type, such as MCF-vii, LNCaP, NIH-3T3 with IC50 southward of 70.0, 85.3, 300.5 µg/ml respectively
Anticancer36 Ethanol, methanol and h2o extract MTT assay, trypan blue dye exclusion, AO/EB staining and fluorescence microscopical analysis and Deoxyribonucleic acid fragmentation analysis Significant cytotoxic activity of ethanolic excerpt on fibrosarcoma cancer cell line HT-1080 and least toxicity on normal human lymphocytes
Anticancer37 Institute extract Nonradioactive cytotoxicity assay on man lymphoblastic leukemia jail cell line Jurkat ↓ Viability of cells with increase of concentration of establish extract. Induction of apoptosis through upregulation of p53 protein levels and downregulation of Bcl-2α. Stiff radical scavenging activity
Anticancer38 Ethanol extract (1) Matrigel invasion assays (2) Gelatin zymography assay (3) Chick embryo tumor growth assay (one) Significant inhibition of migration and invasion of the MDA-MB-231 cells. Induction of homotypic aggregation of cells associated with an upwards regulation of E-cadherin protein and subtract the adhesion of cells to HUVECs and inhibition of transendothelial migration of cells through TNF-α-activated HUVECs (2) Suppression of activities of MMP-2 and MMP-9 (3) Inhibition of tumor growth and metastasis
Anticancer8 Ethyl acetate excerpt and isolated compounds BrdU cell proliferation enzyme-linked immunosorbent analysis and xCELLigence analysis against C6 and HeLa jail cell lines Strong antiproliferative activities confronting C6 and HeLa cells Hesperetin, Hydroquinone
Antiplatelet12 Methanol extract of leaves Adhesion, aggregation and protein secretion of the activated platelet to laminin-coated plates 40% inhibition of platelet adhesion to laminin-coated wells past ethanol extract at concentration of 200 µg/mL
Antiplatelet39 Methanol excerpt Platelet aggregation induced by collagen; ADP, arachidonic acid and thrombin Potent inhibition of platelet aggregation induced by ADP, arachidonic acid and thrombin Arbutin
Antiulcer27 Ethanol extract Hypothermic restraint stress-, indomethacin-, and necrotizing agents–induced ulcers and pylorus ligated Shay rat-model ↓ Incidence of ulcers, basal gastric secretion and acrid output. replenishment of the depleted gastric wall mucus and nonprotein sulfhydryls contents and ↓ malondialdehyde
Gastric secretory activitytwoscore Plant extract Acrid and pepsin secretions in normal Wistar rats ↑ Basal acid and pepsin secretions
Cardioprotective activity41 Leaves powder and aqueous extract Isoproterenol-induced myocardial infarction in rats Alleviation of erythrocytosis, granulocytosis, thrombocytosis, ↓ clotting fourth dimension, ↑ relative heart weight, ↓ myocardial oxidative stress and the leakage of heart enzymes. inhibition of NO product and lipid peroxidation in center tissues
Hepatoprotective activityx Essential oil Pralletrin-induced oxidative stress in rats (prallethrin caused a significant subtract in the activity of SOD, True cat, and GST in liver of rats) Depletion of serum marker enzymes and replenishment of antioxidative condition
Antiacetylcholinesterase activities16 Essential oil ND IC50 value was 36.40 µg/mL
Anticholinesterase activity42 Ethanol extract In vitro The Ki value was half dozen pM, and IC50 value was 7.5 nM Ursolic acrid
Hormonal activity and regulation of menstrual cycle43 H2o extract 25 patients were received marjoram tea or a placebo tea twice daily for 1 month. Hormonal and metabolic parameters measured, including FSH, LH, progesterone, oestradiol, total testosterone, DHEA-S, fasting insulin and glucose ↓ DHEA-Southward and fasting insulin levels

Antioxidant Action

Water extract, essential oil, and ethyl acetate extract of aerial function of O majorana show meaning antioxidant activity.8,xvi,17,22,29 Antioxidant properties were too reported from other extracts of sweet marjoram, including ethanolic, north-hexane, and hydroalcoholic extracta.20 Phenolic compounds such equally hydroxycinnamic acid and flavonoids, ursolic acid, carnosic acid, carnosol, rosmarinic acid, and caffeic acid are responsible for antioxidant activity.20,22,30,31

Antimicrobial Activity

Dried whole establish and its essential oil and water extract of leaves have demonstrated antimicrobial effect and essential oil was more active against lactic acid bacteria and yeasts than h2o extract.18 Essential oil showed inhibitory action confronting diverse pathogenic leaner and fungi, including Beneckea natriegens, Erwinia carotovera, Moraxella, Aspergillus, Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus pyogenes, Bacillus cereus, B subtilis, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Salmonella poona, Escherichia coli, and dermatophytes.xv,17,19,32 Methanol extract of sugariness marjoram exhibited antimicrobial activity against E, Aspergillus niger, Fusarium solani, and Bacillus subtilis.33,34 The ethanolic ammonia extract reduced the number of viable Pentatrichomonas hominis trophozoites.26 cis-Sabinene hydrate in essential oil of sweet marjoram have been claimed to be responsible for antibacterial result.15

Anti-inflammatory Activity

Sabinene hydrate and terpineol in essential oil of sweetness marjoram suppressed the production of Tumor necrosis gene-α (TNFα), interleukin 1β (IL-1β), IL-6, and IL-10 inhibited cyclooxygenase 2 (COX2) and NFκB gene expression.35

Anticancer and Antiproliferative Properties

Ethanol extract of establish have shown significant cytotoxicity against fibrosarcoma cancer cell line, promoting prison cell cycle abort and apoptosis of the metastatic breast cell and inhibited the migration and invasion of the MDA-MB-231 cells.36,38 Ethyl acetate extract have stiff antiproliferative activities against C6 and HeLa cells. Hesperetin and hydroquinone isolated from sugariness marjoram extract have revealed strong antiproliferative activity.viii

Antiplatelet Activity

Methanol extract of sugariness marjoram leaves inhibit adhesion of platelet to laminin-coated plate12 and strongly inhibited platelet aggregation induced by adenosine diphosphate (ADP), arachidonic acid, and thrombin. Arbutin is responsible for this activeness.39

Antiulcerogenetic Consequence

Ethanol excerpt of sweet marjoram significantly decreased the incidence of ulcers, basal gastric secretion, and acid output and replenished the depleted gastric wall mucus.27

Cardioprotective and Hepatoprotective Action

Leave pulverisation and extract significantly alleviated erythrocytosis, granulocytosis, thrombocytosis, increase eye weight, and myocardial infarction oxidative stress in isoproterenol treated albino rats.41 Essential oil of sugariness marjoram depleted serum marker enzymes and replenished antioxidant status in hepatic of rat.10

Anticholinesterase Inhibitory Activeness

Essential oil and ethanol extract of sweet marjoram have exhibited anticholinesterase inhibitory activity.16 Ursolic acid is responsible for this effect.42

Regulation of Menstrual Cycle

Sweet marjoram tea significantly reduced dehydroepiandrosterone-S (DHEA-Due south) and was useful in treatment of polycystic ovary syndrome.43


Acute toxicity test has demonstrated a big margin of safety of O majorana extract in mice. Emmenagogue properties of sweet marjoram should be concerned during pregnancy.eleven Its essential oil must not be used by lactating and pregnant women.44


Sweetness marjoram is a medicinal found with diverse proven pharmacological properties, including antioxidant, antibacterial, hepatoprotective, cardioprotective, antiulcer, anticoagulant, anti-inflammatory, antiproliferative, and antifungal activities. The flowering stems are the medicinal parts. Their constituents include 1% to ii% of an essential oil with a containing terpinenes and terpinols, plus tannins, bitter compounds, carotenes, and vitamin C. These substances give sweet marjoram stomachic, carminative, antispasmodic, and weak sedative backdrop.

In herbalism, information technology is used mainly for various gastrointestinal disorders and to assist digestion. Novel investigations showed increase in acrid and pepsin secretions by this plant. Too sweet marjoram showed antiulcer activity and mucus protecting effects in gastrointestinal tract. Ethnomedicinal use of O majorana on vaginitis and polycystic ovarian illness tin can exist related to restoration of hormonal balance and reduction of DHEA-Due south by this plant. Efficacious uses of O majorana in cardiac disease and dysrhythmia were proved which may be related to its antiplatelet and cardioprotective activities through inhibition of production of nitric oxide and lipid peroxidation in heart tissues. Useful effect on head cool, sniffle, ear hurting, and respiratory disorders may be related to its antimicrobial effect. Monoterpene hydrocarbons (such as α-pinene, β-pinene, camphene, and γ-terpinene), oxygenated monoterpenes especially terpinene-4-ol, cis-sabinene hydrate and terpineol, phenolic compounds particularly flavonoids (such as apigenin, hesperetin, quercetin, kaempferol), and phenolic glycosides (such as arbutin) are the active components isolated and detected in O majorana. Effigy one shows the structure of some master active compounds. Diverse bioactive compounds have been isolated and identified in O majorana, whereas many active compounds responsible for ethnomedicinal uses or proved pharmacological activities accept not been completely evaluated. Therefore, new investigations are proposed to isolate, identify and obtain the O majorana active compounds in society to explore novel natural component for rectifying the stalemate on the way of mod medicine.

An external file that holds a picture, illustration, etc.  Object name is 10.1177_2156587216650793-fig1.jpg
An external file that holds a picture, illustration, etc.  Object name is 10.1177_2156587216650793-fig2.jpg

The construction of some main active compounds of Origanum majorana.


Author Contributions: RR designed the study and edited the manuscript. FB nerveless data and wrote the manuscript.

Ethical Approval: This study did not need ethical approval as no animal or homo subjects were involved.

Announcement of Conflicting Interests: The authors declared no potential conflicts of interest with respect to the research, authorship, and/or publication of this article.

Funding: The authors received no financial support for the research, authorship, and/or publication of this commodity.


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Is Sweet Marjoram Or Thyme Better For Nerve Repair,


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